Dear Doctor,
Since 1956 the American Medical Association has recognized alcoholism as a primary,
progressive disease. We at Al-Anon/Alateen know that it is also a family disease which can
affect some or all members of a household both physically and emotionally. It has been our
experience that the relatives and friends of alcoholics often seek medical help for a variety of
stress-related symptoms.
Al-Anon is a mutual support fellowship that offers a program of recovery to the relatives and
friends of alcoholics. Alateen, a part of Al-Anon, is for a teenager who is equally affected by
an alcoholic.
If you suspect someone’s drinking problem has contributed to the cause of your patient’s
symptoms, we urge you to recommend Al-Anon and/or Alateen as part of their treatment.
The enclosed literature describes the benefits and renewed hope and confidence that the Al-Anon/
Alateen mutual-support program has brought to thousands whose lives have been adversely
affected by another’s alcoholism. If you wish more information, please call _________________
or 888-4AL-ANON (888-425-2666), Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 6 PM, ET. |