Dear Counselor:
Alcoholism is a disease which is widespread and debilitating to families. We at Al-Anon
Family Groups are trying to reach out to families who need help. Alcoholism is often hidden.
The problem is there; many times, neither the family nor the problem drinker will face or admit
that it exists.
When clients come to you for a divorce, a restraining order, or help with delinquent children,
you become their counselor in many aspects of their lives. If you suspect your client is or has
been affected by a problem drinker, we suggest you or your client contact Al-Anon family
Groups. Many families have taken their initial steps towards recovery through their attorney’s
recommendation to contact Al-Anon/Alateen.
We are most grateful for your professional awareness and understanding of our program. We
recognize that you are in a unique position to refer your clients to Al-Anon Family groups. If
you wish more information, please contact ____________________ or 888-4AL-ANON
(888-425-2666), Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 6 PM, ET. |